Paid Media

Competitive Analyses, Marketing Best-Practices, and Succinct Storytelling
Even the most limiting of spaces can be game-changing opportunities when you're talking about getting consumers excited about a new product launch.
My Contributions
After 5+ years of collaborating with global paid media teams and competitive analyses of dozens of competitor brands' presence on retailer + paid social platforms, I've discovered the challenging task for paid media is working within dramatically limited space allotments, to draw a picture for consumers and to drive traffic to your desired online destination. If this is where the consumer journey begins, this sector holds equal if not more value than any other digital asset, because they're your consumers' "hook." So how to ensure paid media is compelling? Context. Incentivizing CTAs. Conversion-oriented messaging that benefits your target consumer. Demonstrating clear payoff. Bold claims and benefits. The list goes on...
Paid Social
Paid Display Banners
Here, you can see why character counts matter. This small set of paid display banners + paid social collateral are good examples when copy needs to adapt at differing scales and ratios, when the cadence becomes limited. Paid media is all about tradeoffs and laying out as much context for your consumers as you can fit with clear Call-To-Actions.
A CTA ("Call-To-Action") can be either a visual or editorial cue (or both!). It can be in the form of a pill button, or it can be in the form of compelling / incentivizing messaging. So when should they be used? Well, every single paid ad should use a strong CTA. For instance, Facebook and Instagram in-feed paid ads use a pulsating 'SHOP NOW' bar that runs along the bottom of the image, outside of the designs, so a SHOP NOW button wouldn't make sense to leverage since it'd be redundant but also misleading (since the bar below is the clickable element, and the image above is not). So these would require a strong CTA in their messaging, which can be in the form of cue words like "Exclusive, $XX Value, Today Only" etc. Pinterest, on the other hand, has no pulsating SHOP NOW bar outside of the design - it's just a tout in a designated spot within a grid. So to ensure these ads don't get lost within the crowd, and they appear differentiated, a CTA button becomes a must, to signify that image is indeed clickable. The psychology behind the role of CTAs is a fascinating field, and is one I've yet to get bored of!
What is a "CTA" and
Why Is It So Important?
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